Alright people, going to try something a little different.
There’s been a lot of drama and I find that I have been contributing to that drama. That’s on me. For those that got just as passionate as I did because of what I posted or felt something, that’s on you. Still, I don’t want to contribute to the noise and pain that is going around.
So here’s the deal, we have a choice to work on ourselves to be better than we were yesterday. It’s not about perfection or who is better than someone else, it’s about progression towards a better you. Every day.
Are you a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday?
I’m going to try a little experiment on myself and you’re free to follow along with me on this journey as well:
I’ll be going through The Daily Stoic and as things come to mind or really rattle me to make some major introspections I’ll share on the site.
Day 1 (yes I’m 22 days behind, I just got the book today, I’ll catch up) is solid stuff:
Oh man, I’ve got some growing in this regard for sure. I often will get wrapped up in what is going on in the world and, while I can’t change some external thing, I end up wasting time and energy on combating such things and in the process I end up pushing friends away. That’s not what I’m going for and not a pattern for success. What a waste of potential. I’m going to work on this simple but beautiful truth and encourage you to do the same.
Epictetus… thank you. Ryan Holiday, thanks for bringing this the modern world. Stoicism has some timeless truths that we need as much today as people did thousands of years ago, I think that’s pretty awesome.